



  1. // 1、下载 yarn add @tarojs/async-await
  2. // 2、引入 app.tsx
  3. import "@tarojs/async-await";


  1. // eslint-disable-next-line jsx-closing-bracket-location
  2. const WxActions = {
  3. async fnSaveVideo(src, content = "要保存视频到本地相册吗") {
  4. await this.fnWxSetting("scope.writePhotosAlbum");
  5. await this.fnShowModal(content, "提示");
  6. const res = await this.fnDownFile(src);
  7. this.fnSaveFile(res);
  8. },
  9. /** 保存文件 */
  10. fnSaveFile(res) {
  11. const that = this;
  12. return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  13. wx.showLoading({
  14. title: "加载中",
  15. });
  16. wx.saveVideoToPhotosAlbum({
  17. filePath: res.tempFilePath,
  18. success(o) {
  19. console.log(o.errMsg);
  20. wx.hideLoading();
  21. that.fnShowToast("保存视频成功", "none", 1500);
  22. resolve();
  23. },
  24. fail(err) {
  25. wx.hideLoading();
  26. console.log(err);
  27. that.fnShowToast("保存视频失败", "none", 3000);
  28. reject();
  29. },
  30. });
  31. });
  32. },
  33. /** 下载文件 */
  34. fnDownFile(src) {
  35. const that = this;
  36. return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  37. wx.showLoading({
  38. title: "加载中",
  39. });
  40. wx.downloadFile({
  41. url: src,
  42. success(res) {
  43. console.log(res);
  44. // 只要服务器有响应数据,就会把响应内容写入文件并进入 success 回调,业务需要自行判断是否下载到了想要的内容
  45. if (res.statusCode === 200) {
  46. wx.hideLoading();
  47. resolve(res);
  48. } else {
  49. wx.hideLoading();
  50. that.fnShowToast("下载视频失败", "none", 3000);
  51. reject();
  52. }
  53. },
  54. fail(err) {
  55. wx.hideLoading();
  56. console.log(err);
  57. that.fnShowToast("下载视频失败", "none", 3000);
  58. reject();
  59. },
  60. });
  61. });
  62. },
  63. /** 授权检测 */
  64. fnWxSetting(scope) {
  65. const that = this;
  66. return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  67. wx.getSetting({
  68. success(res) {
  69. console.log(res);
  70. if (!res.authSetting[scope]) {
  71. wx.authorize({
  72. scope: scope,
  73. success() {
  74. that.fnShowToast("授权成功", "none", 1500);
  75. that.fnWxSetting(scope);
  76. },
  77. fail(err) {
  78. console.log(err);
  79. that.fnShowToast("授权失败", "none", 1500);
  80. reject();
  81. },
  82. });
  83. } else {
  84. resolve();
  85. }
  86. },
  87. });
  88. });
  89. },
  90. /** toast提示 */
  91. fnShowToast(title = "成功", icon = "success", duration = 2000) {
  92. wx.showToast({
  93. title,
  94. icon,
  95. duration,
  96. });
  97. },
  98. /** dialog弹窗 */
  99. fnShowModal(content, title = "提示") {
  100. const that = this;
  101. return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  102. wx.showModal({
  103. title,
  104. content,
  105. success(res) {
  106. if (res.confirm) {
  107. console.log("用户点击确定");
  108. resolve();
  109. } else if (res.cancel) {
  110. console.log("用户点击取消");
  111. that.fnShowToast("取消", "none", 1500);
  112. reject();
  113. }
  114. },
  115. });
  116. });
  117. },
  118. };
  119. export default WxActions;


  1. // 1、引入WxActions
  2. // 2、调用
  3. /** 保存视频到本地 */
  4. saveVideo() {
  5. console.log(this.state.videoSrc);
  6. WxActions.fnSaveVideo(this.state.videoSrc);


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